
Array Selection

In order to have multiple selected items in an array, set initial value for v-model as array type and use val prop as value of each item.

Selected: []


modelValuestring, number, boolean, arrayYesundefinedThe value of the component.
valuestring, number, arrayNoundefinedvalue of input ( usefull for array values )
colorstringNoundefinedThe primary color of the component.
iconColorstringNo#fffThe color of the icon displayed in the component.
trueValueanyNotrueThe value that will be emitted by the component when it is in the "on" state.
falseValueanyNofalseThe value that will be emitted by the component when it is in the "off" state.
containerClassstringNoundefinedClass(es) to be passed to container element of checkbox
disabledbooleanNofalseIf true, disables the input element.


Nameslot propsdescription
default-Whatever is in default slot will be able to trigger check/unchecking
icon-Icon instead of default check
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