
No Close

If noClose is true popup won't be closed by clicking the underlay. and if noCloseButton is true the close button will not be shown.


beforeClose is called when clicking outside of popup (the underlay) or when clicking close button. it recieves the done function as it's first parameter and when it's called the popup will close.

Header and Footer of the popup is customizable using header and footer named slot.

Full Width


NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
activeBooleanYes-Whether or not the component is currently active.
titleStringNoundefinedThe title to display in the header.
noCloseBooleanNoundefinedIf true, Popup will not be closed by clicking outside of it
noCloseButtonBooleanNoundefinedIf true, the component header will not display the close icon
fullWidthBooleanNoundefinedIf true, the component will take up the full width of its parent container.
transitionPropsRecord<string, any>Noundefinedany props or events to pass to Transition component
teleportstringNo'body'to prop of Teleport component
beforeClose(arg0: done): anyNoundefinedThis function is called before closing using close button or clicking underlay. you need to call done from first arugment to close the popup.


close-When closing.


Nameslot propsdescription
default-Content of the popup
header-Header of the popup.
footer-Footer of the popup.